A struggling British screenwriter moves to 1990s USA to prepare a television drama series in New York. For peace and tranquility, he installs his family in an enchanting town in New England, but life at home soon competes with his script for entertainment, as residents join forces to resist a hegemonic Historical Commission and the National Guard and criminals from Long Island join in the affray.
Paperback and eBook available from Amazon
“A family deals with a sleepy Northern town’s secrets in this enjoyably energetic romp . . . an engaging and thoughtfully conceived plot." - Kirkus Reviews.
Read the full review here: Bad Days in Broadacre | Kirkus Reviews
“The author has done a brilliant job creating a town right out of a soap opera, with lots of quirky characters, people keeping secrets, murders and civil disputes with the Broadacre Historical Society to keep the reader interested and entertained . . .” - LoveReading Ambassador.
Read the full review here: Bad Days in Broadacre by Ed Crutchley (9781675349525/Paperback) | LoveReading