The arrival of Captain Quinn, an inexperienced and reckless intelligence officer, disrupts the delicate equilibrium of a WW1 battalion in northern France. He and Captain Michael ‘Moose’ Cody, one of the company commanders, discover themselves rivals in both their professional and personal lives. As their intensifying feud stumbles towards an inextricable ending, which one of them will survive?



Paperback and eBook available from Amazon



“While the author drops in a couple of shocking moments in the story’s latter half, he skillfully retains a slow burn all the way until the smashing conclusion . . . An exceptional, edgy tale with convincing plot turns and a well-incorporated wartime setting.” – Kirkus Reviews.


Read the full review here: A MOST UNFORTUNATE AFFAIR | Kirkus Reviews



“It is World War 1 and the story line alone is shocking but the author skilfully throws some extra shockers in as the reader wonders who will survive.” - Jane Brown, LoveReading Ambassador.


Read the full review here: A Most Unfortunate Affair by Ed Crutchley (9781670200600/Paperback) | LoveReading


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